Welcome to our online enrollment! We're thrilled to have you join our high school community. Prepare for an inspiring journey of knowledge, growth, and friendship. Embrace new opportunities, ignite your passions, and create unforgettable memories. Together, let's make your high school years extraordinary!

Admission Procedure (Moving In, Transferee and Returning Students)
This admission is exclusive for the following:
- Moving In - Grade 7 and Grade 11
- Transferee - Grade 8, 9 and 12
- Returning Students / Balik- Aral

Open this form For Admission and fill-out the required textfields.

(a) Personal Information
- Active Email
- LRN Number
- Full Name
- Birthdate
- Age
- Sex
- Place of Birth
- Mother Tongue
- Belonging to any Indigenous People/Indigenous Cultural Community?
- Is your family a beneficiary of 4Ps?
(b) Parent's and Guardian Information
- Father's Full Name and Contact Number
- Mother's Maiden Name and Contact Number
- Guardian's Full Name and Contact Number
(c) Address Information
- Region, Province, Municipality, Barangay, Zip Code, House Number and Street Name (For Current and Permanent)
(d) Enrollment Information
- Student Type
- Grade Level Type
- Grade Level
- Last School Year Completed
- Last Grade Level Completed
- Last School Attended
- School ID
(e) Digital Copy of the Following
- PSA Birth Certificate
- Form 137
- Form 138 (Report Card Front and Back)
(f) Agree to the Terms and Conditions

New Account Procedure

This is for all official/ existing students of SDNTS

Open this form For New Account and fill-out the required textfields.

(a) Personal Information
- Active Email
- LRN Number
- Full Name
- Birthdate
- Age
- Sex
- Place of Birth
- Mother Tongue
- Belonging to any Indigenous People/Indigenous Cultural Community?
- Is your family a beneficiary of 4Ps?
(b) Parent's and Guardian Information
- Father's Full Name and Contact Number
- Mother's Maiden Name and Contact Number
- Guardian's Full Name and Contact Number
(c) Address Information
- Region, Province, Municipality, Barangay, Zip Code, House Number and Street Name (For Current and Permanent)
(d) Digital Copy of the Following
- Form 138 (Report Card Front and Back)
(e) Agree to the Terms and Conditions